Monday, April 18, 2022

April 2022 Meeting

Meeting Minutes 12 Ap 202217 present

Quill Cutting with TJ                                                          


Welcome & Announcements:

**Annual dues of $30.00 should have been paid in Feb.  We are considering dropping anyone who hasn’t paid from the roster.

**The Board would like the recently published Scribe Surveys returned.

**The church custodian has moved out of town, leaving us to do our own set up and take down.  Please consider coming early by 6 pm and/or staying late to help with this responsibility. Thank you!

**A 3rd small group has been added.  They will be meeting at Candy’s the 1st Thursday each month from 9-12. Contact Candy if you’d like to join in!

**Our next workshop will be held at Who Gives A Scrap.  Susie Barringer from Bellingham, WA will be teaching. The cost will be $130 for the 2-day workshop, no supply fee. Registration will begin with checks mailed postmarked May 5th or later.  Lynn will send registration forms out with what Susie is teaching.

**Lynn needs photos of sample work we plan to submit for the gallery show ASAP.  Please send them by email to

**Candy brought a hand-done cookbook the guild created in the 80’s (?) as a fundraiser to show us how far we’ve come!  Well before access to digital pictures and computers.

**Nell asked we make cards in appreciation for the Veterans who have served our country.  She plans to give them out on a patriotic holiday. 


Show & Share:

**Kristi has been working with the triangle brush and created a lovely card.

**Cheryl had 3-4 framed pieces she’s been working on in preparation for the gallery show this fall using gelli backgrounds and acrylics.  She also brought cutout work she did for a recent Mike Gold class she took on line.

**Cecelia also had samples of her cutout work from the same on-line class.

**Kimmi was on day 102 in her ‘Art A Day’ quest.  She brought in 2 pieces in small square frames, a paper globe made from strips of paper, and a wrapper for a disposable coffee cup. 


Evening Presentation:

**Tammi Jo brought naturally cured turkey feathers to cut into quills along with a green cloth and scalpel from the Army OR, and an overview of terms and the cutting process.  She gave a brief history of quills, walked us through the process a couple of times to familiarize us with what we were going to be doing, and helped anyone who needed some clarification.  We ran out of time to actually use them, but it was a good introduction for most of us.  





Super hard to capture without reflecting the overhead lights




Guitar-styled signature of a guitar artist!

Cheryl's rendition