Wednesday, February 10, 2021

February 2021 Meeting

 Meeting Minutes 9 Feb 2021

15 present

Brush Lettering Basics Video by Reggie Ezell


Welcome & Announcements:

**There were no nominations for the Board, so the current Board members have agreed to serve for another year.  Thank you everyone!

**Our annual dues of $30 are due this month.

**There is a link in the eDigest for a quick video on how to make a folded pen from flashing if you don’t have a ruling/folded pen for next month’s project.  Lonnie gave us a sneak preview of what’s in store.  She’ll have bister inks for us to try and wine bags for us to make and take! 

**The books on the table are gifts from Kay Dingwell, who moved to OK.  Deb, Cecelia, and Lonnie were out recently for a surprise visit and helped her move her studio from upstairs to a bedroom on the main floor.  In the process, Kay downsized and gifted us with books!  Please take a look and take some home.

**Elma said she called to check on member, Toni Reilly, who was happy to hear from her.



Library Book Report:

**Leslie read the whole volume of a new book we have in the library, Herman Zapf and the World He Designed by Jerry Kelly: A Biography.  She thought it was more like a tribute to the man who was born in 1918 and became a typographer after the war in 1938.  He was a gentle man and was very sought after for his calligraphic work as well as his roughly 90 font designs.  He was commissioned to letter the Preamble of the United Nations Charter in 4 languages, Russian, English, Spanish, and French.  Some of his font’s in Adobe are on every computer known to man.  Fascinating history as well as insights to the man behind the pen.  



Show & Share:

**Cecelia is taking a class in Built-Up Romans from Yves Letterme along with about 40 other students from around the world.  She brought some of her sample practice work.

**Cheryl brought a sample of her work in Yves class as well, but a more slanted version, and a watercolor/pen & ink drawing she did of the Little Mermaid for her granddaughter’s room

**Kimmi embroidered lyrics from the Beatle’s song, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, on fabric.  She also had a few of her little jewelry box dioramas, and a little folded book of love for Valentine’s day!


Evening Presentation:

**We watched the video Reggie Ezell produced on brush lettering basics.  He gave Candy permission to print his exemplar and started by demonstrating how to take a new Color Brush Pen apart.  He carefully showed how the brush makes thin and thick strokes and progressed to demonstrate the stroke sequences for every miniscule. as well as a few variations of the word GENTLE to show us the fine and wild abilities of the Pentel brush.  Most folks stayed until the end!  

