Meeting Minutes 14 Mar 2023
Diamond Hand with the A2 nib-Tammi Jo Klajnbart
15 present
Welcome & Announcements:
**Our meeting in February was canceled due to heavy snow.
**Anne Dye introduced herself as an art teacher and found out about us through Cottonwood!
**Candy received no new nominations for the Board, and the current Board agreed to do another year.
**Dues were due in February, so pay up if you want to remain in the Guild Roster!
**A current roster was passed around for us to inspect for any corrections.
**Jim brought engraving boards for the taking. They’d be excellent for drying envelopes with wet ink!
**TJ had a variety of bent nibs for sale
**The paper marbling workshop June 10 from 1-am-3pm at Tammi Jo’s will be $30 per participant.
**If you have any tips or tricks to share, send them along to Candy for her to add to the eDigest.
Show & Share:
**Kristi Lyons had a Monty Python saying lettered in Uncial on Pergamon Paper, complete with an illuminated Versal! She shared her first draft with us.
Evening Presentation:
**TJ showed us another hand, using the A2 nib in position 2. Position 2 creates a diamond shape when the foot of the nib is placed on the paper. By keeping the nib oriented so the right-hand edge is facing north, one can create a hand that resembles Gothic/Black Letter with very little effort. It isn’t a popular alphabet, so the examples are hard to find even on line.