Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 2013 Meeting

Meeting Minutes 10 Sept 2013
29 present

Welcome & Announcements:
            We heartily welcomed our 4 new visitors and we’ve added books to the library (you can see Karen for more info.)  Cecelia will gather the information she received for the study group questionnaire and will get back to us next month with sign-up sheets.  Please e-mail Candy with any information you want published in the eDigest we send out each month.  Helpful hints are always welcome.  Cecelia is teaching a 6 week class at Bemis.  Masha and Cindy will be team teaching a book binding class later this month.  Yves Leterme has agreed to do a weekend workshop-Drawn Caps-for 22-23 March 2014 with a 3-day Master’s class-Formal Guesturals-for the following 3 days.  Cecelia brought more thank you cards from the Summit faculty and participants.

            Carole and Karen took Cherryl Moote's class at conference and they showed us how to make one of Cherryl’s Gallery Books found/featured in her book “Sleight of Binding”.  There were lots of folds and a few cuts to create the window frames, but the girls did a fabulous job walking us through all the techniques.